Be as happy as a pig in a hog waller. That’s my grand objective each and every single day I wake up. Seems easy enough to do and goodness knows I’m a real talent when it comes to sitting around and doing nothing all day long. But no dirty jokes today. I’m trying to cut down. The good doc told me to.
So what should we talk about today? Gosh, I’m not sure. If you’ll pardon me I’m kinda drawing a blank at the moment but we’ll get something fired up in a bit that, hopefully, will make a pleasant read. Just give me a moment here. Since it is the Christmas season and a time when we are all supposed to be counting our blessings and good cheer, perhaps I’ll write about that. Yeah, let’s do it!
So what are you thankful for? Me….I have loads of stuff I could rattle off. Let’s see….. let’s talk about cute babes for five hundred dollars please! Oh how thankful I am for those!!! This is gonna be an easy one I can tell.
Why I’m thinking of one right now who happens to work at a certain library not that far from here with whom I’d sure love to chat it up with sometime. Library babes are a special breed; brainy and a bit on the nerdy side. Library gals just ooze a certain allure and sophistication that I’m irresistibly drawn to. The kind of allure and sophistication in which they can holler at you to be quiet in six or seven different languages. It takes nerves of steel working the library desk while dealing with the constant silliness of the public. And it certainly doesn’t help things when you have those struggling and lovesick bohemian artists who occasionally stop by and make a pest of themselves trying to be flirty or hit you up for a date. Darn those guys and their Y chromosomes!
But I’m sure thankful for those library gals. They will always have your back. And who else is gonna help me run those darn printers anyway?