January 9

Often before Sunday School begins at 10 AM on Sunday mornings, I like to spend a few minutes sitting quietly in class while looking out the window of the room which provides a grand view of our church’s cemetery located across the road. It’s a quaint country cemetery like so many others, quiet and picturesque. I occasionally think about the old timers I have known over the years who are quietly resting there now. This particular Sunday morning, the weather was bright and sunny which made a most excellent view. So much so that I decided the view was worth drawing and remembering. I tried to capture the shades and everything and here it is.
January 12

Pencil sketch of Pastor Brandon going at it behind the pulpit on a Sunday morning.
January 20

During our last cold snap that we had earlier in the month, I noticed this sunny dandelion blossom shining away in a sea of dead grass that is my backyard right now. How odd I thought? I was amazed, and a bit inspired, to see this weed feeling so exuberant in spite of the freezing cold that it went to the trouble of making a blossom. The yellows of dandelions are among my most favorite of colors and seeing it did me a load of good. I just had to take a picture of it and of course I had to try my luck painting it. Didn’t turn out half bad I’d say.
January 21

This past weekend I had the joy of attending this year’s Roanoke Regional Writer’s Conference which was held at Hollins College. The writer’s conference is a glorious pow-wow of writing professionals and amateurs with a serious interest in the art and business of writing. The conference was an all day affair that brings in best-selling authors, journalists, publishers, book store owners and other notables who have made a name for themselves in the writing business. This was my second time I attended the conference and I was blown away by the depth and breadth of the speakers on the docket this year. I met a lot of capable and talented individuals and learned quite a bit that I hope to put to use. The pencil sketch I made here was during the opening ceremony of the conference on Friday night. The speaker for the night, a local historian and pastor, enlightened us all about some of the lesser known and quirkier events of Roanoke’s past. Fascinating stuff. While he was talking history, you can see that I was busy sketching out the crowd in the auditorium.
January 26

I donate plasma and at my last trip to the plasma center in Roanoke I spotted this young lass who was preoccupied with her phone and waiting to be checked in. I always enjoy drawing a cutie and so I did. She never looked up nor did she have a clue she was being drawn.
January 27

While enjoying the special youth performance at the Sunday evening services at my Baptist church I couldn’t help but notice this couple sitting up front, the wifey happily leaning on her man. I thought it made a most poignant moment. I was touched and a bit inspired by it and so I took a moment to draw them. May they have many happy years together.