Black and white comic of Bryan watching late night cable television. Drawn by artist Bryan Skinnell.

It’s already mid-March and the weather is getting nice again. Nice weather often triggers my jogging gene to wake up and to begin mindlessly fantasizing about running and all the pleasures of running. Which, I might add, are precious few. I am currently a lapsed runner, one who has backslidden and is in dire need of repenting and mending his slothful ways. For a long time I was running pretty regular up until a year or so ago and then my drive petered out and achy knees urged me to think about doing stuff that didn’t burn a lot of calories. In short order I went from running five to ten miles a week to just running to the refrigerator and the bathroom.

But, before anyone accuses me of contributing to America’s unhealthy ways let me state for the record that running is a wonderful thing and I highly encourage anyone to consider trying it. Running gets you outside and is one of the best stress relievers I know. People will admire and respect you when they learn that you run because they will naturally assume anyone so dedicated to running must be a high achiever, a natural leader, and a classy citizen. Granted I am none of these things but I certainly don’t mind people thinking that about me.

I really ought to get out and run. Not so much because it’s good for me and good for my reputation but because I have a pair of two hundred dollar running shoes and, no lie, those things are the absolute comfiest things I’ve ever worn. Wearing them is pure joy and you just haven’t lived until you’ve spent some major moolah on top of the line running shoes and run around in them. So if I’m gonna meet my end by getting creamed by a wild driver or die of a heart attack I will at least have had the pleasure of dying with some very, very happy feet.

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Why hello there! My name is Bryan Skinnell and I am a middle-aged (50-ish) artist and neighborhood kook who is living the artistic and creative life out in the boonies of Bedford, Virginia. Bedford is one of the largest counties in the commonwealth of Virginia and, for the most part, it’s still a mostly rural one that bridges the gap between Roanoke and Lynchburg. You could say, in more ways than one, that Bedford is the heart of Virginia. I can’t argue with that although I usually think of Bedford more as Virginia’s belly button myself.

I grew up right here in Bedford and have lived and toiled most of my life on our infamous red clay. The sort of clay that makes the stickiest mud known to man after a rain and which clings like super glue from God to anything and everything it touches. If you are so foolish as to get it on yourself you’ll wind up tracking and leaving a trail of red goop everywhere you go for days afterwards to the delight of your family and friends. But I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and Lord knows I tried as I’ve wandered from one end of the country to the other. But Bedford has my heart and that’s where I’ve chosen to live my life today. In my free time when I’m not stuck in my studio making art I do love being outside gardening or hiking or just pestering the neighbors.

Every day I try to write something that’s original, entertaining, and half-way thoughtful here on my blog while sharing my happy-go-lucky attitude and zest for life. Quite often I don’t have the foggiest notion of what I’ll end up saying in a post. But, whatever I end up writing about, I do hope you enjoy it!

I do keep a mailing list for interested readers and fans. If you would like to get in on the action and follow my musings and rabble-babble, that can be easily arranged. Just give me an email address that you would like for me to send my blog posts to and I’ll see that you get it.

Thanks for stopping by!
Bryan Skinnell


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